Fotios (Fotis) Lygerakis

Hi! My name is Fotis and I am a doctoral student and university assistant at the Chair of Cyber-Physical Systems at the University of Leoben in Austria!

My goal is to advance machine learning and robotics, aiming to mimic human learning processes through abstraction, incremental conclusions, transfer learning, and creativity.



September 2024

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024


My research interests are centered on 

Specifically, my work is dedicated to advancing the fields of representation learning and visuotactile robot learning, targeting manipulation tasks. This involves exploring innovative ways to enable robots to understand and interact with their environment through visual and tactile feedback, enhancing their ability to perform complex and tactile-rich manipulation tasks.

I am also contributing to human-robot interaction projects and developing interfaces for robotic manipulation.


MViTaC [project] [paper] [code]

M2CURL [project][paper][code]

CR-VAE [paper][code]

Talks & Tutorials

Exposé presentation

Deep Representation Learning

PyTorch Tutorial 

Fun with Robots

CPS XMAS video 2023

CPS XMAS video 2022

